How to earn from youtube//यूट्यूब से कमाई कैसे करें

How to earn from youtube HOW TO EARN FROM YOUTUBE यूट्यूब से कमाई कैसे करें// If you’re looking to make money online, YouTube is one of the best places to do it. The platform is one of the most popular websites in the world, with nearly two billion active users each month. These viewers watch over one billion hours of videos every day. With that many people watching so much content, there is a massive potential audience that you can tap into. This is why many businesses, influencers, and individuals use the platform to generate revenue. The great thing about YouTube is that there isn’t a specific formula that you need to follow to get money out of the site. In fact, there are tons of ways you can use your YouTube channel to make money. When you think of making money with YouTube, your first thought likely goes to advertisements. While this is a popular way to monetize a channel, video creators can also get revenue from selling products, getting sponsorships, affiliate marketing, o...